Komport - Serial Port Communications for KDE

Komport is an serial port communications and vt102 terminal emulator for KDE.
Aim of the project is to provide an alternative to minicom with an KDE style user interface.

Latest version:

Latest version is 0.5.9.

Download Komport.

Latest changes:

SourceForge project page:

SourceForge project page can be found on http://sourceforge.net/projects/komport.

Help wanted:

We are looking for an graphican for making application icons.

Support, reporting bugs:

If you need support or would like to report bugs, either visit the komport project page or write to one of the komport mailing lists.

Donations welcome:

If you like komport please consider making a donation.

Example screenshot:

Komport main window screenshot
Last changed: 7-jan-2004